melissa matson
artisan-dyed fabrics and garments
Fabrics - with their infinite possibilities of texture, color, and drape - have always fascinated Melissa. From early years of sewing with her mother and grandmother, through later episodes of weaving and quilting, and to her current work with dyeing, she has been drawn to the integration of gesture and hue.

A fairly recent convert to dyeing, Melissa has enjoyed the mentorship of Jane Dunnewold - especially Jane's attitude towards experimentation and improvisation. Melissa spends as much time as she can in her home dye studio - while still keeping her "day job" as Principal Violist of the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra

A Northern California native (born and raised in Chico), Melissa is a graduate of the Eastman School of Music, Artistic Director of First Muse Chamber Music(an annual concert series at Rochester's First Unitarian Church), former founding violist of the Chester String Quartet, and current founding violist of the Amenda Quartet. Her artwork has been shown at the Geisel Gallery (Rochester NY), the Mill Gallery (Honeoye Falls NY) and at Rochester Contemporary (Rochester NY - members' show) where her 6x6 works have sold out (early!) for several years.

(photo credit: paul arnold)

Contact Melissa directly with inquiries about fabric dyeing, viola playing, and the availability of specific garments, fabrics, and decorative art. Ask to be notified when new fabrics and garments become available - and find out when the next public show or sale will be!


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