m e l i s s a   m a t s o n

dyed fabrics

...a sampling of artisan-dyed fabrics from the past few years… using techniques such as monoprint, screen print, overdye, dye painting, wax screen, thermofax print, improvisations…

a “whole cloth” fabric - rayon (flour-dye resist, dye-painting)
a “whole cloth” fabric (silk, flour-dye resist, dye-painting)
rayon jersey
monoprint, dye-painting
screen print, thermofax print, dye painting
rayon jersey
silk crepe
pine-needle relief, monoprint, over-dye
silk shimmer
screen print, monoprint, over-dye
rayon (a "study" for a series of haiku)
monoprint, dye-painting
rayon jersey
monoprint, dye-painting
silk crepe
pine-needle relief, monoprint, dye-painting
rayon jersey
monoprint, dye painting
rayon-acetate blend
screen print, dye painting, monoprint, over-dye
silk shimmer
pine-needle relief, monoprint, dye-painting
rayon jersey
monoprint, dye-painting
rayon jersey
silk shimmer
monoprint, thermofax print, dye-painting